☺️ List of All Smileys & Emoticons

Objects: 🩱

You will find all Objects Glyph, Emoji Names, Unicode, Keywords in this section of Keyboard Emojis

GlyphEmoji NameUnicodeKeywords
🩱One-Piece SwimsuitOne Piece Swimsuit, Fashion
🩼CrutchCrutch, Accessibility, Assist
📃Page With CurlPage With Curl, Documents, Office, Paper
📇Card IndexCard Index, Business, Stationery
💰Money BagMoney Bag, Dollar, Payment, Coins, Sale
🧥CoatCoat, Jacket
🗳️Ballot Box With Ballot
🔧WrenchWrench, Tools, Diy, Ikea, Fix, Maintainer
🧴Lotion BottleLotion Bottle, Moisturizer, Sunscreen
🏹Bow And ArrowBow And Arrow, Sports